1.This comes one day after a senior Chinese official told the United Nations Security Council China is more than ready to help.
2.Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death.
3.One Chinese official at Cannes said to me, 'Well, if Germany isn't so concerned about this, why should I be so worried about bailing it out?
4.At a press conference in Shanghai yesterday, a senior Chinese official would not be drawn on the question of convertibility of the renminbi.
5.A Chinese official familiar with China's counter-terrorism planning said the well-funded militants were determined to disrupt the Olympics.
6.The Chinese official who spoke with The Age said the thwarted plane bomber was a member of the East Turkestan Independence Movement.
7.A Chinese official once bitterly complained to me that some of my reportage was overly critical of China.
8.At the center of this fray is Wang Wei, the U. S. -educated Chinese official who has been the public face of Beijing's Olympic organizers.
9.At the end of his appearance, Mr. Gates walked into the audience and shook hands with the senior Chinese official on hand, Maj. Gen.
10.A top Chinese official said the restrictions were meant to protect the environment.